Sleep Is Important for Weight Loss /how-to-sleep-well-as-you-age.htm Sleep is required for our bodies to repair and re-energize. It is recommended that the average person get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. But, the average American does not meet this recommendation. They either go to bed too late, wake up too early, or are unable to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. Research is showing that those who get less than 7 hours of sleep a night are more likely to be overweight, develop cardiovascular disease, and diabetes more often than those who sleep more than 7 hours a night. What’s going on? Why does lack of sleep affect our weight? Part of it has to do with hormones. Our body produces a leptin, our fullness hormone. When we have plenty of leptin, our body gives us signals when we are full or satiated from meals. We also make grehlin. Grehlin is our hunger hormone which causes us to crave ...