
Showing posts from April, 2016

Slow Cooker Use, Safety, and Recipes

The weather is quickly warming up, and last thing anyone wants to do is heat-up the kitchen. Cold salads are fine and dandy, but, sometimes we just want a warm meal. A great summer time solution is using a slow cooker. /Desert+Home Slow cookers are great for saving time and money. Ingredients can be added in the morning, and the meal is ready later that afternoon or evening. Less expensive cuts of meat are perfect because the long cook time and low-temperature helps break down and tenderize the tough meat cartilage. I'll be putting my slow cooker to work this coming summer, and have a few tips for you Beach-33967A-Programmable- 6-Quart/dp/B00EZI26DW Test your slow cooker if you haven’t used it in a while to make sure it works properly. The temperature danger zone is above 40°F and below 140°F. When food is left in this temperature range, bacteria grows quickly, which can lead to food bo...