Fall Back On Track
images2.layoutsparks.com With fall well on its way, it is easy to get off track with our diets. Holiday parties and social events with friends and family can lead to mindless eating and loss of portion control. We also may find that we are sacrificing time to exercise for other “more important” events. Before you know it, exercise and good nutrition habits are put on the back burner. Here are some ways we can stay on track this fall. Eat only while sitting down ikea.com At parties and family events, it is easy to graze while being social. One Deviled egg leads the cheese and sausage tray, which leads to the chip and dip bowl. Without even knowing it, you have eaten a whole meal, and dinner hasn’t even started yet. Instead, make it a habit to only eat while sitting down at the table. This way, you aren’t tempted to mindlessly eat, which can leave you feeling unsatisfied. Instead, make your plate, sit down, and enjoy your food. This mindset can e...